On May Twentieth, Two Thousand and Eleven, at the hour of one, the degree of Bachelor's of Fine Art with a concentration in Fashion Design was conferred upon me by the Massachusetts College of Art and Design.
And you know I had to look awesome for that!

In honor of all that is trendy, I decided to cut that hideous hat down a notch.
I peeled back the layer of polyester that was Elmer's glued to -- get this -- cardboard, and trimmed the paper product by an inch and a half all the way around. I mitered the edges of the fabric and hand stitched it back in place. I attached the motarboard to a headband rather than returning it to the scull cap it had previously called home inn order to give it the true fascinator look. The results were chic, smart and kept the hat hair everyone else was sporting at bay.

Dress: DVF.
Shoes: Sheychelles
Sweater: Ann Taylor (lord forgive me!)
Bag: Vintage Coach (thanks mom!)

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