It's June! Summer is finally here!
I'll be documenting my summer by taking a picture of every outfit I wear. Here's Part I.
June 1, 2010

I wore this outfit out grocery shopping, to the movies and then to dinner at Karisa's house. Dress from H&M ($4.95!!!). Sweater and purse, also H&M. Shoes are Steve Madden, I got mine at Filene's Basement. (My sister, Maija has the same ones in black -- I liked her idea so much I got them in black and purple. These are the purple ones.) My signature watch is a flick flak I got in high school. It has fire engines on it. I'm also wearing my Moonstone ring. That thing never comes off!
June 2, 2010

I wore this get-up to my internship at Sterlingwear of Boston. The zig zag tank if from H&M and my new Olive Chinos were on sale at Urban Outfitters. The air conditioning can get pretty intense in the design office, while the factory is usually boiling, so I took this Gap bomber sweater on and off all day. I'm carrying my Marc Jacobs canvas tote and wearing a necklace with a little pair of scissors on it that my Big Sis Lindsey gave to me after the fashion show this year. Again, I have my firetruck watch and Moonstone ring on.
June 3, 2010

I wore this ONEZIE to work at Second Time Around today. It was perfect for the hot, muggy, rainy, awful weather. I wore it with my black patent leather Steve Madden flats, and a black patent leather Kenzie belt. I have my Marc bag, firetruck watch and Moonstone ring in tow, as usual, but I'm also wearing some camel earrings that I got on Height Street in SF.
I will be RSS feeding this daily. Cant wait to see what you come up with.