Day 262 -- Memory Lane

Monday, May 20, 2013

When: Monday, May 20th, 2013

Where: Studio

I bought this dress more than 2 years ago to accidentallyonpurpose stalk Alex to a party after he tried to act all cool and tell me on our first date that he "wasn't looking for a relationship." I called bullshit on that and decided that even if he wasn't ready, I was going to make him love me! What better way to make him fall hopelessly in love with me, than to buy a cute dress and flaunt myself?

This dress had been hanging in my closet pretty much since the first time I wore it that fateful night we just so happened to show up at the same party (!!). Despite the wonderful memories, I feel like I have outgrown this childish, cutesy frock. I decided to pull it out again today and enjoy the feeling of falling in love again by way of sartorial timetravel. It's funny how clothing link so closely with memory for me...

Dress: H&M | Belt: IOAN | Bag: Vintage Coach | Shoes: DV by Dolce Vita via Marshall's

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