Where: To work at Alexis Bittar. Today is my Monday!
Even with my 14 days of pre-planned outfits, I still had a "what the hell do I wear?!" moment this morning. When I woke up, it was cloudy and overcast and even a bit chilly in my apartment.
I was feeling a bit crummy, so comfort was the name of the game.

I pulled this combo off the rack and threw it on. I got both the pants and top at urban for $5 each yesterday, and I love them!
The jacket is second hand Theory, I got this shoes for cheap at Marshall's, and the jewelry is borrowed, so this outfit comes in at around $50! Not bad, I'd say!

Look at those ominous stormy clouds. This is LA weather for you.

And this is just a peek at the gems I borrowed today. I love the red carnelian on this necklace, it ties in so well with my coral pants. And these hoops are so badass while still being natural and organic! Love it.
Jacket -- Theory, thrifted
Top -- Urban Outfitters ($5!!)
Pants -- BDG, Urban Outiftters ($5!)
Shoes -- Rocket Dog, Marshall's
Jewelry -- Alexis Bittar, borrowed
Ed Note: I don't know why my pictures are showing up so blurry! Just click on them and they show up much clearer. I'll work on that...
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