Day 221 -- On The Strip

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

When: Tuesday, April 9th, 2013

Where: Vegas Strip... 4 hour drive home.

So, I had this whole super cute plaid outfit packed and planned, but then the zipper wouldn't work when I tried to zip the dress in the morning. You might blame the buffet for this faux pas, but I'm pretty sure the zipper was effed before I even packed it. Luckily, I packed an extra outfit, and I was able to jump into these jeans and get the day started.

Sweater: Alice and Oliva | Tank: Truly Madly Deeply via Urban Outfitters, reworked
Scarf: Soto, gift from FMIL | Necklace and Bag: Kate Spade | Shoes: Keds

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